Sunday 1 November 2015

Ballet Technique 12/10/15

Ruth's Dairy...                  

Today in class I was unable to participate with my class in our Ballet lesson, knee to me getting injured in my knee which has resulted to a tear in my Cartilage. So therefore all I did was on the side and tried to keep myself busy and starting taking notes of Ballet terms, techniques and positioning.

  • First position (plies) with the arm following, with the arm lifted up. Then the arm goes towards the bar which then follows through with the opposite arm, as the arm goes around in spiral going in opposite direction to the other arm.

  • Repetition, in second position however you'll  need the legs to remain on the floor, to enable a perfect plies.
  • You will need the elbow to be rotated in a downwards slant, that's the placement of the arms in second position.

Battement - to beat Tenduto stretch

Battement Frappe - to strike

Battement en cloche - the bell, swing, develop unfold. 

  • Swing forward, swing back. Develop with the leg at the front or back.

Stretch with the leg on the bar, with the arm stretching out on both sides, following with the other movement; with the arm stretching on the leg in diagonal.

Port de Bras - is supporting of the bar caging of the arms, (adagio) sync slowly.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th - Exchange the sides of the arms, then sit on the 5th carry the arm around, then turn in the 5th to the diagonal.

Sharpie - to go away, open and close.

          Changement - to change.                                          

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